Hip pain is now becoming a common discomfort that is experienced by all age groups of individuals. It could be a pin-like sensation to a throbbing pain that may limit movement or activities like walking or sitting. It is an important joint that largely contributes to the mobile support of the upper body and provides great freedom of motion. Joint pain, especially discomforts in the hip joint, is a concern because it limits your movement and adversely affects your daily living. Hence, one should always seek to address the root cause of hip joint pain in order to find a lasting remedy.
Hips hurt could be due to hip joint pain, muscle strain, or referred pain from other body parts, such as the lumbar spine. Based on few studies, hip pain is reported in 10% of the population and increases with age. In soccer and ice hockey, hips hurt and groin pain are typical for athletes, which is 10-20% of all injuries.
Common Causes of Hip Pain
Hip muscle pain may be due to a variety of reasons, including arthritis, muscle pull, or any other problem that may be associated with the joint. Knowledge of the origin of the problem is crucial before taking appropriate measures aimed at patient comfort. Below are some common causes of hip pain:
Hip Arthritis
Arthritis, especially osteoarthritis, is one of the main reasons for hip muscle pain. Although more frequently seen in persons over fifty years, this condition results in the degeneration of the cartilage of the hip joint, making it stiff and painful.
Bursitis is a painful condition that results from the swelling of the small sacs (bursae) that are found in the hip joint.
Tendinitis, which means inflammation of the tendons of muscles that attach to bones, is another common reason for hip pain, usually as a result of overuse.
Muscle Strain or Injury
Hip muscle pain is usually caused by strain or injury. Hip strain is a common complaint that may be caused by lifting something improperly or making a sudden movement.
Referred Pain
In some cases, the hip pain may be referred from a site other than the hip, for instance, the lumbar region. This is referred pain, which complicates the diagnosis process.
Hip Pain During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is one of the most frequent reasons for hip joint pain, particularly towards the end of pregnancy. Hormonal changes, weight gain, and change of posture increase pressure on the hips. Hips hurting during pregnancy is very common, and the pain is usually worse in the third trimester. According to NCBI, this is due to the changes in pressure and posture that come with pregnancy.
Treatments for Hip Pain
The treatment of hip joint pain depends on the origin, the severity of the pain, and the general health of the patient. It is treatable, and early management will help avoid the development of complications that may also affect mobility. Below are some effective treatment options:
Rest and Activity Modification
In mild hip pain, it is advisable to avoid activities that cause the pain and take a break from the activities.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy to build up the muscles surrounding the hip joint also decreases hip joint pain and the likelihood of additional damage.
Home Remedies
Hip muscle pain can be relieved by using ice or heat and performing stretching exercises. The other advantage of being at a healthy weight is that there is less force exerted on the hip joint.
Surgical Options
In some instances, the patient may need a hip replacement or resurfacing if the hip pain does not subside.
Hip pain can be due to hip arthritis, muscle pull, or lower back pain; hence, it is important to address hip joint pain to enhance mobility and quality of life. Any patient with chronic pain should seek medical attention to get the right diagnosis and treatment plan.