Is Hereditary Hair Fall Reversible?

Shaivy Choubey

Medically Reviewed By Dr. Aarti Nehra

Baldness is a problem of great concern for many individuals affected by it globally and many of them result from genetic factors. Progression of information concerning hereditary hair fall, otherwise referred to as genetic hair loss is very important in the pursuit of solutions and setting realistic goals.

Let’s develop an understanding of hereditary hair loss, the process that leads to it, and the possible measures for preventing and even correcting hereditary hair fall.

Fundamentals of Hereditary Hair Fall

Genetic hair fall, also referred to as androgenetic alopecia, is a kind of hair fall which is developed genetically. This condition is universal and impacts both males and females. However, the symptoms differ in the two classes. In men, this is characterized by a receding hairline at the front with loss of hair at the crown, this is known as male pattern baldness. On the other hand, women usually experience thinning of hair all over their scalp and do not start with a receding hairline.

Genetics and Hair Loss

Genetics and hair loss are interconnected and often become difficult to deal with. Pattern hair loss is attributed to the genes received from the parents.These genes define the hair follicle response to DHT, a hormone derived from testosterone that plays an essential role in hair loss situations. People with this type of hair loss have genetically susceptible hair follicles and make themselves highly vulnerable to DHT’s miniaturisation and consequent hair thinning and shedding.

How to Treat Hereditary Hair Fall?

It is difficult to provide a definite answer to the question regarding the reversibility of hair loss linked to genetic factors. Genetic hair loss is possible to put a halt to some extent, and several measures can be taken for hereditary hair fall solutions. In some treatments, it is even possible to regrow the lost hair in the affected regions.

Medical Treatments for Genetic Hair Loss

Here are a few medical treatments that can help to treat hereditary hair loss. Understand that these medications or treatments must be taken after consulting an expert:


Unlike many of the creams that are sold over the counter, this product has been approved for use by both males and females by the FDA. Minoxidil works on the growth phase of the hair by extending this phase and also on the hair follicles. It is a fact that regular usage of this product can come up with apparent hair regrowth, yet, the results are significantly clear in people who have recent baldness.


Prescribed for consumption, finasteride is a tablet formulated principally for consumption amongst male patients. The way it promotes hair growth is that it selectively blocks the conversion of testosterone to DHT and thus there are reduced DHT levels in the scalp. This halts the chain of shrinkage of hair follicles. Some might get good results and follow the recommended dosage of finasteride; however, it is contraindicated for women because of its potential adverse effects.

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT):

This hereditary hair loss solution entails the use of laser gadgets to promote hair growth. Pumping more blood to the head, and reducing inflammation which is one of the causes of hair loss, is what LLLT is believed to do. This is a non-invasive treatment that may be applied to males and females.

Lifestyle Modifications for Hereditary Hair Fall

Various medical treatments are recommended and should be accompanied by certain changes in lifestyle and some home remedies that can be proven solutions for hereditary hair loss:

Nutrient-Rich Diet:

Vitamin and mineral intake from food sources like biotin, zinc, and iron are beneficial for hair health. Seafoods loaded with proteins, such as eggs, spinach, and nuts are highly recommended. Supplements may also be helpful especially if the individual has an inadequate dietary intake.

Scalp Care:

It is suggested that the scalp should be massaged often as it can help in increasing blood flow and hence, delivering nutrients to hair follicles. Also, chemicals and overheating with the help of hair dryers, and other hot instruments should be avoided to worsen the hair condition.

Stress Management:

Stress is another major symptom of hair loss. It is associated with the level of stress hormones being constantly high. Stress-management exercises, such as yoga, meditation, and exercise contribute to health and could decrease hair loss frequency.

Advanced Procedures for Hereditary Hair Fall

Here are a few high-tech procedures for genetic hair loss:

Hair Transplantation:

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a method of getting hair follicles from donor sites, usually the back of the head’s scalp and implanting them to areas of thinning or baldness. Contrary to looking for a quick solution, a hair transplant is a permanent solution and looks more natural though it is invasive and expensive in comparison to some of the treatments.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy:

This procedure comes with applying a concentration of the patient’s platelets to the scalp through injection. Thanks to growth factors, platelets can influence the activity of hair follicles and thus promote hair growth. It’s non-surgical and can be used along with other therapies and methods of combating baldness.

If you are wondering how to stop hereditary hair loss, you might opt for above-explained procedures under the guidance of professionals.

How to Deal With Expectations?

Although many therapies can stop hair loss and cause regrowth, there is a need to educate on what is true regarding hair fall and what is not. It is significant to know that outcomes differ from one individual to another and not all interventions are effective for all the patients. Thinking of how to cure hereditary hair loss, the majority of treatments need several months to see the improvement and it is crucial to maintain a regular schedule.

Methods of Prevention

Realising the need to prevent such hair loss before it becomes even worse is the best strategy. Prevention is said to be better than cure and can be applied broadly in dealing with illnesses since it is well known that early intervention can do wonders in the results achieved with the various treatments. Get professional advice If you know that you have a genetic hair loss. It is recommended to visit a dermatologist or any hair loss expert as soon as possible to arrange an optimal treatment plan.


Genetic hair loss is a difficult disorder that occurs due to an inherited predisposition; however, one should not lose all hope. Thus, despite the impossibility of the complete reversal of genetic hair loss, managing and slowing down the process is possible through medications, changes in diet, and other means. Medicines such as minoxidil and finasteride, hair transplant, and PRP therapy are a few of the several hereditary hair loss solutions available for this purpose.

Lifestyle changes, such as managing one’s diet and the condition of the scalp as well as practising stress management can complement the medical treatment for improved hair health. Note that the key factors for the success of the given approach are early diagnosis and the proactive approach. If you are facing a hereditary hair fall, meet a healthcare practitioner who will advise you on the best treatment option for your hair loss problem.

So, just because you may have inherited the problem of hair fall from your genes, do not lose heart. It can be treated with the help of right strategies and solutions. Controlling is in your hands to prevent the situation from getting worse and to maintain healthy hair.

About Author - Shaivy Choubey is a dedicated and skilled healthcare writer with over seven years of experience in writing, editing, and proofreading content across various niches, including lifestyle, skincare, haircare, and overall well-being. When not writing, Shaivy is on the lookout for the latest wellness trends, exploring vibrant destinations, or savouring her favourite healthy treats.



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