Are you or someone you know suffering from persistent nasal congestion, unexplained nosebleeds, or facial pain? Well, then, you are probably experiencing angiofibroma. Although not brain cancer, this nasal tumor has a strange attraction for causing unwarranted symptoms.
In this blog, we will discover the truth about angiofibroma, revealing how it comes into being, and how to treat it.
What Is Angiofibroma?
Angiofibroma is an odd tumor that originates from the nasal cavity. Although considered benign, its position in the nasal cavity makes it capable of producing many different symptoms and complications.
This disorder is usually found in adolescent males, and most cases are diagnosed between 7 and 19 years of age. The tumor is usually hormone-sensitive and may grow in response to variations of the endocrine hormonal system, which occur at puberty.
Angiofibroma Causes
Angiofibroma is caused by genetic mutation and the local overgrowth of certain cellular components. Though the exact triggers for this condition are still unknown, a good knowledge of genetic and localized factors is essential to understanding Angiofibroma.
Angiofibromas have strong connections with some genetic diseases in particular, including Tuberous Sclerosis, Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome, and Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN-1).
- In Tuberous Sclerosis, mutations are found in the genes for hamartin (TCS1 gene) and tuberin (TSC2 gene).
- Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome is caused by mutations in the FLCN gene that codes for the folliculin protein.
- MEN-1 is caused by mutations in the MEN1 gene, which encodes for menin protein.
- Another significant factor for this genetic condition is mosaicism, which is when an individual has cells composed differently according to their gene pool.
- Furthermore, angiofibromas are usually caused by an abnormal multiplication of collagen fibers and fibroblasts in combination with blood vessels within the nose.
- Local proliferation is another factor in the development of the tumor. This emphasizes that genetic and environmental causes must be considered when investigating Angiofibroma’s origin.
Angiofibroma Treatment
If you are facing any complications associated with Angiofibroma, it is important to be well-informed about treatment options:
The most effective method is surgical intervention, especially the Endoscopic Endonasal Approach (EEA). This minimally invasive technique directly attacks the tumor from its natural route of entry into the body, which is via the nose with greater precision.
Minimally Invasive Alternatives
There are also several minimally invasive treatments, including shave excision, cryotherapy (the use of freezing temperature to destroy abnormal cells), electrodesiccation and radiosurgery (using electrical energy), Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA), dermabrasion, and laser therapies like AFR or PDL.
Topical Solutions
Rapamycin, an mTOR inhibitor applied topically, is also quite effective. However, long-term studies are required to prove their effectiveness. Other approaches include combined therapies, e.g., fractional laser resurfacing and PDL with topical drugs such as timolol or rapamycin to target Angiofibroma.
Radiation Therapy
Sometimes, surgical removal of the entire tumor can be difficult, or the tumor can recur after excision. In such cases, radiation therapy may be used to shrink Angiofibroma.
Hormonal Therapy
Since Angiofibroma is hormone-sensitive, tumor growth may be suppressed by using therapies that reduce the production of hormones. Examples include Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH), agonists, and so on.
While Angiofibroma is rare, it can have a serious impact on the quality of life of an afflicted individual. If you or someone close to you experiences any symptoms associated with Angiofibroma, seeking medical care is crucial for a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.